Tuesday, February 11, 2014

iPads in the Self-Contained Classroom

I am in a self contained classroom at a public separate school. My class consists of eight students with varying levels of academic and physical functioning.  In our classroom we have two sets of iPads.  We have been using the iPads for a variety of classroom activities.  The main thing that they enjoy using them for is free time activities.  We help them navigate to educational apps to learn about math, reading, and science.  We have more involved students that enjoy going on the iPads to watch videos regarding science.  One student uses the iPad as a motivational tool to increase his range of motion.  He has a cause and effect app that he enjoys but in order to make it work he has to reach to touch the screen.  This in turn increases his range of motion because he has to reach to where we place it to access it.  They ask for the iPads every morning when they come in the room.  It has been a joy to watch them increase their knowledge about how to navigate around and find the apps that they are looking for.  Through the use of the iPads several of my students have increased their sight word vocabulary and their communication skills.  Number identification has dramatically improved for another one of my students.  The students also enjoy having the ability to participate in group activities that we are doing on the whiteboard through the use of the Splashtop app on the iPad.  The ability to control a part of their own learning has helped them to not only enjoy school more but also increased their knowledge.

The Ross Bunch

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